Rekordnagyságú, 3,34 milliárd euró üzemi eredménnyel zárta a 2010-es üzleti évet az Audi AG - az eredmény több mint kétszerese az egy évvel korábbinak. A társaság 1,092 autót értékesített - ez 15 százalékkal több a 2009-esnél -, a forgalom 18,8 százalékkal 35,4 milliárd euróra nőtt.
Az adózás utáni nyereség az egy évvel korábbi közel kétszeresére, 2,63 milliárd euróra emelkedett, míg a 3,63 milliárdos adó előtti profit 88,5 százalékos többletet takar.
Az Audi a piaci átlag feletti növekedést produkált, különösen az USA-ban - jelentette ki Rupert Stadler, az igazgatóság elnöke. Hozzátette: az év jól kezdődött, az idei terv több mint 1,2 millió autó értékesítéséről szól.
A csoport 2011 és 2015 között 9,5 milliárd eurót tervez új termékek kifejlesztésére költeni, egyebek között hibrid és elektromos technológiákra.
Az Audi 900 millió eurós beruházással bővíti a győri üzemét, a fejlesztéssel közvetlenül 1800 új munkahely jön létre.
Amint arról korábban beszámoltunk, az idei év is lendületesen indult az Audi számára: ez lehet a legjobb első negyedév társaság történetében. A luxusautók iránt Kínában változatlanul erős kereslet, és a válságból egyre inkább magához térő amerikai piac révén érhetnek el értékesítési rekordot 2011 első három hónapjában.
Januárban világszerte 95 400 Audit adtak el, 23 százalékkal többet az egy évvel korábbinál, és februárban is hasonló mértékben nőttek az eladások.
- A total of 1,092,411 Audi brand automobiles delivered during the 2010
fiscal year; EUR35.4 billion in revenue, EUR3.34 billion operating
profit; operating return on sales of 9.4 percent
- Audi CEO Rupert Stadler: "Audi is growing profitably and across the
- Cash flow from operating activities significantly higher than previous
year at EUR5,797 million (4,119 million)
- Highest employee profit-sharing payment in history: average of EUR6,513
for each pay-scale employee
- Outlook for 2011: more than 1.2 million deliveries of Audi brand
automobiles planned
- Audi CFO Axel Strotbek: "We want to grow sustainably and are targeting
an operating return on sales at the same high level as the previous
The Audi Group has concluded the 2010 fiscal year with a record
result. "The operating profit of EUR3.34 billion shows how profitable
Audi is. We are growing not only in China, but in many regions around the
The Audi brand has outpaced the growth of the overall market,
especially in the United States," said Rupert Stadler, Chairman of
the Board of Management of AUDI AG. "We've started the year off well and
we're targeting more than 1.2 million deliveries to customers for the total
year," Stadler said.
For Audi, 2010 was the best year for sales in the Company's history.
Deliveries of Audi brand automobiles on worldwide markets rose last year by
15 percent to 1,092,411. Revenue rose during the 2010 financial year by a
disproportionately high rate to EUR35,441 million (29,840 million)* - an
increase of 18.8 percent.
The Audi Group significantly increased its operating profit by 108.2
percent to EUR3,340 million (1,604 million). The profit before tax, at
EUR3,634 million (1,928 million) was 88.5 percent above that of the previous
year. Profit after tax rose by 95.2 percent to EUR2,630 million (1,347
The Company increased its operating return on sales to 9.4 percent (5.4
percent). Return on investment also reached a new peak, at 24.7 percent (11.5
Net liquidity increased by 25.5 percent to EUR13,383 million (10,665
Record results for deliveries in more than 40 markets
In the past year Audi handed over 1,092,411 (949,729) automobiles to its
customers worldwide. Sales thus rose 15.0 percent compared with the previous
year. Deliveries in the Asia-Pacific sales region developed favorably. The
brand with the four rings also grew in Western Europe (including Germany),
and especially in the United States.
New hires total 1,200; largest investment program in company history
The Audi Group plans to invest more than EUR11 billion between 2011 and
2015 - with about EUR9.5 billion going to the development of new products and
to hybrid and electromobility. More than EUR5 billion will be invested in the
Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm sites in Germany.
Audi plans to continue the enlargement of its model range in the coming
years at an unslowed pace. "Our attention remains particularly focused on the
subject of sustainability. At Audi we believe this includes not only
increasing the efficiency of our cars and the development of electric and
hybrid models, but also the sustainable handling of resources," Stadler said.
The brand with the four rings already offers 54 model and engine variants
with CO2 emissions below 140 g/km (225.31 g/mile) - of which 17 emit less
than 120 g/km (193.12 g/mile).
Highest employee profit-sharing payment in company history
AUDI AG has shared the success of the 2010 fiscal year with its
employees: each of the roughly 42,500 pay-scale employees at the German sites
received a profit-sharing payment averaging EUR6,513. This corresponds to
roughly one and a half times the average monthly wage and is the highest
payment since this profit-sharing plan came into existence.
Outlook for 2011: more than 1.2 million deliveries to customers;
operating return on sales at the high level of the previous year
"The signs for 2011 are good, after a year which ended better than we
expected back in January 2010. We expect continued growth in the overall
economy this year, even if there is a slight weakening in comparison with the
previous year," Stadler said. "Nonetheless, we have to remain alert, since
the unpredictability of the financial and raw materials markets still carry a
Audi has started off 2011 successfully, selling about 186,850 automobiles
worldwide between January and February of this year - 21.6 percent more than
during the same period of the previous year. The European markets have been
exhibiting strong momentum; sales here grew by 17.5 percent to around 106,600
units (90,686). In the German domestic market alone, Audi delivered 32,290
cars to customers in the first two months of the year and thereby achieved a
significant increase of 18.3 percent compared with the previous year
Between January and February, 41,122 Chinese customers (31,906) chose
Audi - 28.9 percent more than during the same period in 2010. The brand also
continued to grow sharply in the United States. Deliveries here climbed by
22.3 percent to 15,565 (12,726) compared with the same period last year.
"We want to deliver more than 1.2 million Audi cars to customers
worldwide during the current year, and thus build upon the success of the
record year in 2010 without interruption," Stadler emphasized. "We are
growing sustainably and are targeting an operating return on sales at the
same high level as the previous year," Strotbek added.
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